Mittwoch, 13. April 2011

(But I swear you’ll never hear me say "So long")

"...It's funny how I ignore
The most vital thinking that we are always close
Lord knows that I never meant to forget
But my sense of sentiment, is inept
You were right it's evidential
I've been better with my instrumentals than friends
Here I am again, never learn
Can't return a call, show concern
At times I think of change, then again
I'm still writing letters that I never send..."
Magnetic North- So Long

Akt 1- T

da hab ich angefangen Augen zu zeichnen
A dream in a dream...where it is going to end?
Zwei verschiedene Welten können einfach nicht miteinender klar kommen, aber eigentlich schon, aber ja, aber nein

Dienstag, 12. April 2011

Life is more than Art

yaa mit kaputten filzstift amana
appreciate lieber mein bild :3- MaizZ

Dream on

And i thought i would never make a mistake, but i did...pruhhh all the time
lerne aus den fehlern anderer und aus deinen, maximum ausbeutung
and why are people jealous in the relation of love and affection?
because the people who are really jealous are feared of losing their beloved person. mostly you can tell of their past, where they never had a person to rely on or really had a family they could expect something of. So now when they got someone they really don't want to lose this person and is afraid of everything/everyone that could possibly take her/him away.
and i'm the king of being jealous
"cause i'm king, you n0000b"


Und der Schatten des Stiels besteht aus "Tan, Tan , Tan buhuu", picture of 2009
memories gehören in die vergangenheit, piew schieß sie ab

Freitag, 8. April 2011

Stop trolling in Lol

Hotshotgg is sexy, watch his stream at
i'm pro ass, dont troll me or i will kill you pentakill style